M2M Engineering

Microalgae & Biotechnology

more than 20years Experience in applied research and industrial developments in Microalgae and Biotech

M2M Engineering is an engineering and biotecnology company based in Naples (Italy) and Grazzanise (Italy) with more than 20 years of experience and activities in research and development, engineering and technology development in microalgae and cyanobacteria, from the lab scale to industrial production.

M2M have long track experience in the microalgae and biotechnology field, for the engineering, build, design, installation, support, and production, from the lab and small pilot scale, to to industrial production, with different type of technologies and systems, based on the final product and purpouses, raceways, tubular, multiplate, cascade, ciclindrical, flat, and customized for specific applications.

M2M have a broad collaborations, customer, and relationships with several universities , research center, small and big companies, in Italy and worldwide, in several microalgae field of applications.

M2M have also own plant industrial production for different species, and support laboratory for microalgae maintenance, inoculum production, research and development, samples, control and support industrial production, and also testing new systems, designing, prototyping, building and technology developments.

CEO of M2M Engineering is Marcello Diano, electronic engineer with master degree at University of Naples, with long track and experience with almost 24 years in Microalgae and Biotechnology field in research and development, engineering and technology development, microalgae biotechnology, industrial production and product development, in different field of applications, pharma, nutraceuticals, agriculture, and innovation. Skilled innovator, Inventor and owner of several patents, In many years of work, he have established collaborations with universities, public and private research centers, and customer, small and big company, in Italy and several countries, in product developments, microalgae, cyanobacteria, biotechnology, technology, agritech, nucleic acids. 

M2M partecipate also in several project funded by Italian Ministry and European commission in FP7 and Horizon 2020 panel, in microalgae and cyanobacteria project innovations with large collaboration with other partner in several countries.   


M2M engineering sas


Naples – Science Center – Via Coroglio, 57 Naples (Italy)

Grazzanise – Vico Diaz, 10, Grazzanise, Caserta (Italy) 

Mondragone – Via Pineta vecchia, Mondragone, Caserta (Italy)